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Student Energy at UBC Articles
Articles written by our writing team for energy literacy.

Rafe Chang
May 21, 20242 min read
Overcoming Perovskite Solar Cells' Instability Issues
Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Venture is backing CubicPV, a perovskite solar tandem manufacturer. Perovskite is a common crystal...

Rafe Chang
May 5, 20242 min read
Electric Vehicle Charging Is Stressing the Grid
On January 11th, a polar vortex  caused the average temperature across the province of Alberta to be -31°C. On that day, the province set...

Rafe Chang
May 4, 20242 min read
Energy and Environmental Impacts of Denmark's Largest Offshore Tender
As of 2022, wind energy generated 55.03% of Denmark’s electricity, marking the highest share in the world. Policy plans for decentralized...
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